Radicular cyst associated with a primary first molar

Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Year: 2011 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 213-217

Radicular cyst associated with a primary first molar: A case report
L. Toomarian1, M. Moshref, M. Mirkarimi, A. Lotfi, M. Beheshti

Abstract: Radicular cysts arising from deciduous teeth are rare. This report presents a case of radicular cyst associated with a primary molar following pulp therapy and discusses the relationship between pulp therapy and the rapid growth of the cyst. The treatment consisted of enucleation of the cyst sac and extraction of the involved primary teeth and 20 months follow up of the patient. Early diagnosis of the lesion would have lead to a less aggressive treatment plan.

[gview width=“100%” height=“480px” file=”https://drmirkarimi.ir/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Radicular-cyst-associated-with-a-primary-first-molar-A-case-report.pdf”]

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